Epfo Pension Portal – Jeevan Pramaan Enquiry Status

Epfo Pension Portal introduced the Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners Scheme called Jeevan Pramaan.  Here How JeevanPramaan related to epfindia About Its Pension Details. And Also Check Pension details ..

epfo pension Portal

EPF INDIA Pension Portal :

Earlier to receive a life certificate, a pensioner should physically be present in front of a Pension Disbursing Agency.

The agencies have been present in particular locations and most of the pensioners, especially the aged and infirm ones found it extremely difficult to be physically present in the Pension Disbursing Agency post-retirement.

Because of various locations, many pensioners moved to a different location post-retirement and found it difficult to travel back to the home branch to get a life certificate.  for the reason that, This was a problem for pensioners for many decades.

To know EPFO Pension Details :

First of all The government of India has digitized the entire process to end this problem faced by pensioners in our country and introduced the Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners Scheme called JeevanPramaan.

For this, EPF has started a separate portal for Pension by which you can get to know about the PPO Details.

What is the EPF pensioner portal?

EPFO has introduced a new portal to the pensioners which provide various services right from your pension payment order number to tracking KYC norms.

All you need to do is to log on to the link given by EPFO (https://mis.epfindia.gov.in/PensionPaymentEnquiry/enquiry.jsp) and provide your JeevanPradhan ID to avail all the information regarding your pension account.

How JeevanPramaan related to epfindia?

A pension is an essential source of income after retirement for senior citizens. Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners scheme of the Government of India is refers to as JeevanPramaan.

It is a biometric-enabled digital service for all the pensioners. Pensioners of State Government, Central Government, or any other Government organization can take benefit of this facility. EPF provides pensions to the retired government officers and this JeevanPramaan helps pensioners to know the status and PPO number.

Procedure for submitting digital life certificate through JeevanPramaan:

At EPFO Pension portal – Pensioners who desire of using the JeevanPramaan facility has to first enroll their Aadhaar number in their pension account. After the completion of authentication, And also you can download the software from https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in

  • Required information like Pension Aadhaar number, Pensioner Name, PPO Number, Bank Account detail, Address, Mobile number
  • and many more are saved into the system through web-based or client interface.
  • finally pensioners person information is authenticated using the Aadhaar number and you have to put his finger on to the fingerprint scanner or eye on the Iris scanner for completing the authentication process.
  • After successful authentication, the screen will display your Pranaam ID or transaction number and
  • Also the same will sent to your Aadhar registered mobile number as SMS from the portal.
  • The successfully authenticated pensioner will receive an Electronic JeevanPramaan from the portal and
  • it is store in the central Life Certificate Repository database.
  • The authorized Bank can access and get the JeevanPramaan certificate from the portal for his pensioners through the electronic data transfer mechanism created between the portal and Bank server.
  • And then You have to inform the Bank that his JeevanPramaan has generated through online registration from JeevanPramaan portal.

Epfindia balance Status and Claims Status

How to check JeevanPramaan Enquiry?

You can check the JeevanPramaan Enquiry by following the steps mentioned below.

  • First, Visit the https://mis.epfindia.gov.in/PensionPaymentEnquiry/RegionCodeServlet
  • Enter your JeevanPramaan Transaction ID as per Digital Life Certificate and click on the button Submit.
  • And finally , In the next page, you can view the details of your Life Certificate.
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9 thoughts on “Epfo Pension Portal – Jeevan Pramaan Enquiry Status”

  1. If an individual has served upto 60 years of age than why EPF Office Jaipur Acct Clk is having objection and demanding a certificate regarding the subscription made after 58 years to 60 years ?

  2. I have joined EPF Pension scheme wef 1996 and will retire During Aug 2020. What will be my pension ?

  3. Most of employees of Army School, Nasirabad have joined EPF wef 1994 and thereafter. After checking their EPF balance, it reveals that their past contribution wef 1994 to 2005 is not showing ? Please do the needful.

  4. pls send me correct PPO number,i am waiting since 8 months,yday i have recd PPO but its wrong ,so careless about pensioners

    • hai brother, this is not official website. we are just information provider. please approach epfindia helpdesk…


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