Who have lost/ forgotten the UAN (Universal Account Number) password, How to get to know. uan password change with / without mobile number…
UAN Password is very important, You can not uan login to the portal without this password. The uan number is also important.If there is no one in that, you can not log in to the uan login portal.
For some reasons, Have you forgotten your UAN Password and want to recover or reset it? This article will inform you, how to uan password change with mobile number, Also how to uan password change without mobile no . follow the below steps…
Some people are saying, “error! Uan password not available.” This means you have failed to create a password.So what you need to do is change your password again.
Recommended To read : how to epfbalance Check with UAN Number
uan password format
The password must contain a minimum of 7 characters and a maximum of 20 characters. In this password, you need to have the combination of a minimum of 4 alphabets, minimum 2 digits, and one special character are ! @ # $ % ^ & * ). In the 4 alphabets, at least one character should be capital and one small letter.
EPFO provides the facility creating a new password for all the EPF account holders who have lost or forgotten their password. In this article, you can find the procedure to change or reset your password.
Procedure to Recover or Reset uan password change with mobile number:
Have you forgotten your UAN password? Don’t worry here is the best solution for you to recover or reset it back again.
- Visit the UAN official portal of EPFO Uan Login Portal.
- Click on the link Forgot password.
- In the next screen, you need to enter your UAN number and captcha that is generated.
- Click on the button Verify, after entering the details.
- The mobile number which is linked to your UAN will be displayed. If you wish to change the mobile number, then click on the button No.
- Now, you have to enter your personal details like your name, date of birth, gender, KYC type, and also the document number.
- After entering your details successfully, click on the button Verify that is present near to the Document number.
- If the details entered are matched, then you can enter your new mobile number.
- You will receive an OTP for your new mobile number.
- Enter your custom password for two times.
- finally , you have received a message like your Password Changed Successfully.
That’s it! You can log in to the UAN portal by entering your UAN number and password you have just created.
Procedure to recover and reset uan password change without mobile no:
If you do not want to change the mobile number that is linked with your UAN but wants to recover the password, you need to follow the steps mentioned below.
- Go to the UAN portal of : https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/
- Click on the link Forgot Password or reset password.
- And Enter your UAN number and captcha Code.
- Click on the button verify after entering.
- The mobile number that is linked to your UAN will be displayed. you do not want to change the mobile number, then click on the button.
- If One Time password is sent successfully, you will see the message displaying One time password.
- If the website is unable to send the OTP(One time massage) because of various reasons, you will get the message saying Failed to send OTP. Try the above-mentioned steps after some time.
- If the One Time password is received to your mobile number registered with the UAN successfully, you can enter the pin to set a new password. Remember to enter the PIN but not the OTP id.
- Now, you have to enter the new password two times. The password must contain a minimum of 7 characters and a maximum of 20 characters. In this password, you need to have the combination of a minimum of 4 alphabets, minimum 2 digits, and one special character. In the 4 alphabets, at least one character should be capital and one small letter.
- Re-enter the same password and click on the button Submit.
- Now the page will display you a message saying that your Password Changed Successfully.
You can now log in to your UAN login portal by entering the UAN number and the new password.
How to change UAN password after logging?
If you want to change your old password to a new one, then you can follow the steps mentioned below.
- Visit the EPFO official portal : https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/
- From the home page, click on the link Forgot Password.
- Enter your UAN number and the captcha code. Click on the button Submit.
- Now the page will display a message saying that Your password has been reset and your login credentials that have been sent to your registered mobile number.
- You will receive the SMS to your registered mobile number with the username and password.
- After receiving the login details, you can visit the website and enter your new password on the UAN member portal.
- Now you can set your new password.
New password
Forgot password
sure sir..
I want change my password
I forget my password
simple sir, click on uan forgot password and recreate your new password ….
yes sir, login in to uan portal. go to your profile settings. select change password option and change it. save it..
Uan is not active what to do
My una password change
Uan number pasword missing
I forgot my password can you help me e how can I change my new password
My new password
my nev pasword
forget please my pf
Password bulgaya
New passwords kaise banta hii sir
visit uan portal, botton side forgot password button available.go through..
Not password carit
click on forgot password and changer your password…
Possword forget
visit official website , click on forgot password and go through it. thank you….
please follow the content sir…
FORGOT Password
hi sir, step here to following uan forgot password procedure….
Password chang
hi sir, following the content you must changed password Conformed
visit uan login portal, the option shown below login slot.. go through and change your password simple…
Sir how to change password if mobile number not known ,how to change password
My aunt no new password login
Sir piz my password forget
sure sir, follow our post article…
can you please tell me clearly..
I forget my pf password
by using your mobile , you can easily recover your password..
My uan no New password login
hi sir, yeah you must login into UAN link : https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/
Sir plz my password forgat
follow those step in content of forgot uan password article..
Sir plz my password forgot
visit official website of uan login portal, click on forgot password and your details and login in it…
I am trying to set a new password but it says to enter valid password even when i am using letters number and spl characters
thats your browser problem.. you need to troubleshoot it once..
I can’t login my uan it’s asking passwords
that means wrong password, please go through uan forgot password and get details of yours..
thank you…
Sir my epf mobile no- Cheng
login in uan portal, go to profile and change your mobile number…
I have forgotten my UAN password please do the needful.
Thank you.
click on forgot password, and go through it….
sir my epf password is forgot
and my mobile number is not working now
and name on my uan account is also wrong how i login or change my mobile number
sorry sir, without account number and registered mobile not possible checked..
Sir, i cant change paswrd it shows failed to change try after sometime.. how can i change it?
Now again try sir.. it’s working now..
Sir, I’ve lost my registered mobile number of PF a/c . Now that number doesn’t exist . So how can I open my PF a/c and change the mobile number. Kindly advise what could be done further .
login into uan portal, go to profile and change your mobile number and activate it.
Password forget…..
yes,sir.. forgot your uan password. go to official website of uan login portal and click on forgot password. and enter your details.. simple.
yes, click through official site
New passwod
go through it epfindia portal…
Yente UAN paswrd marannu pls help
Hi Sir, I have forgot my UAN login password as well as my registered mobile number. So due to this i could not able to login UAN as well as not able to change my mobile number in UAN since i dont remember my registered mobile number too. If i try to update my KYC for that also UAN login password or registered mobile number is required. Kindly guide and help me out on this case.
sure sir..
Forget my uan log in password
sure sir, visit unified uan portal…
Passwourd change
sure sir, visit uan official portal. go to uan forgot password button press and fill details..
I don’t have registered mobile number now. and forget my password. What can I do now?
without mobile cannot change password, so you need to approach uan help desk at uan official portal…
Hi Sir, I have forgot my UAN login password as well as my registered mobile number. So due to this i could not able to login UAN as well as not able to change my mobile number in UAN since i don’t remember my registered mobile number too. If i try to update my KYC for that also UAN login password or registered mobile number is required. Kindly guide and help me out on this case.
without mobile cannot change password, so you need to approach uan help desk at uan official portal…
when i tried t reset password. its telling every time capcha is wrong. what to do now.
please remove cache in your Browser, then try defiantly worked.
sir, am not getting OTP to my registered mobile no…….
Once try to check your PF balance like this way :
Give a Missed call to
to 7738299899
otherwise your given number is not your registered number
Hi sir, even after clicking on forgot password and then receiving the otp and and after that entering the new password of my choice 2 times as per the required format; i’m getting a given parameter related issue..tried several times but in vain. Kindly help me in this regards.
please remove cache in your Browser, then try defiantly worked.
I have to link my UAN to Aadhar card but the mobile number registered has changed. Please advise ..
please contact UAN Helpdesk sir..
I forgot my password and also the registered mobile number is deactivated. I am not able to login as well as change my password because it asks for OTP to registered mobile number. What Can I do for this?